
I enjoy every day as a Lifestyle Financial Planner, knowing I am helping people become more secure in their life, which is hugely rewarding. 

Make a difference 

I do this role to make a difference because it is rare you get the chance to be more secure in modern day life. We have complex, busy lives that have precious little time for our family and ourselves, let alone thinking about our financial future (short or long term). 

Precious resource 

Time is our most precious resource as there is no chance to get it back once it has passed. Often we are guarded about giving people time and then being let down as this time is now lost to you. 

By contrast money is an enabler – therefore it is essential you know what you want your money to do for you, so that you make the most of your time. Your Lifestyle determines how these two elements work together. 

What's important to you? 

More than numbers, I need to know your situation, your opportunities, your challenges, your aspirations and your financial experience. I am then able to help you make wise financial decisions. 

The evidence of this focus is that you will have a financial plan that underpins your Lifestyle, which gives you clarity over what needs to happen for you to achieve and keep the life that you want. 

Ultimately, it is your life. If you don't plan for it, who will?